Order Pinwheels!
To place an order for Pinwheels, please fill out the following form and submit it.
Please note, April is Child Abuse Prevention Month and it may take 3 to 5 business days for pinwheels to be shipped due to the high number of requests. Shipping is not included in the price of the pinwheels and you will receive an estimate for the shipping after we receive your order. We can only ship to Missouri addresses. There is an option for pick-up from our office in Jefferson City.
Once the order is received, an email will be sent with the total cost that will include shipping.
Payment can be made via phone with a credit card to 573/632-4600 or checks can be made payable to Missouri KidsFirst, 520 Dix Road, Suite C, Jefferson City, Missouri 65109.
Orders can also be picked up in person.
Thank you Missouri KidsFirst